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Rodgers & Hammerstein. Oscar Hammerstein.


Rodgers. Oscar Hammerstein.


Rodgers & Hammerstein. Including a Bonus Section with 25 Rodgers & Hart Songs. Composed by Oscar Hammerstein, Richard Rodgers, and Lorenz Hart. For Melody. Lyrics. Chords. Paperback Songs. 256 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240177. ISBN 0634032496. 4.25x6.75 inches. This handy little paperback features 100 songs by this legendary songwriting team, plus a bonus section of 25 tunes penned by Rodgers and Hart. It includes melody lines, lyrics and chords for. Bali Ha'i. Bewitched. The Carousel Waltz. Climb Ev'ry Mountain. Do-Re-Mi. Edelweiss. Getting to Know You. Happy Talk. Hello, Young Lovers. Honey Bun. Isn't It Romantic. Kansas City. Manhattan. My Favorite Things. My Funny Valentine. My Romance. Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'. Oklahoma. Shall We Dance. So Long, Farewell. Some Enchanted Evening. The Sound of Music. Where or When. and more. Also includes a section of guitar chord diagrams. No Other Love. Climb Ev'ry Mountain. A Cockeyed Optimist. Getting to Know You. I Didn't Know What Time It Was. Isn't It Romantic. The Lady is a Tramp. The March Of The Siamese Children. People Will Say We're In Love. Shall We Dance. That's The Way It Happens. You Took Advantage Of Me. Younger Than Springtime. You Are Beautiful. Impossible. All At Once You Love Her. Manhattan. Bali Ha'i. Bewitched. The Carousel Waltz. Do-Re-Mi. Falling in Love With Love. The Farmer And The Cowman. The Gentleman Is A Dope. Glad To Be Unhappy. Honey Bun. A Hundred Million Miracles. I Enjoy Being A Girl. I Have Confidence. I Whistle A Happy Tune. I Wish I Were In Love Again. I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair. It Might As Well Be Spring. June Is Bustin' Out All Over. Kansas City. The Lonely Goatherd. A Lovely Night. My Funny Valentine. My Heart Stood Still. Oklahoma. So Long, Farewell. Stepsisters' Lament. Ten Cents A Dance. Ten Minutes Ago. This Nearly Was Mine. Where Or When. With a Song in My Heart. You'll Never Walk Alone. You've Got To Be Carefully Taught. Maria. Bloody Mary. Boys And Girls Like You And Me. Have You Met Miss Jones. It Never Entered My Mind. Little Girl Blue. Mister Snow. An Ordinary Couple. Something Wonderful. The Blue Room. Dites-Moi. Tell Me Why. A Fellow Needs A Girl. I Could Write A Book. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World. My Romance. Sing For Your Supper. The Surrey With The Fringe On Top. The Big Black Giant. Lonely Room. My Lord And Master. A Real Nice Clambake. To Keep My Love Alive. You Are Never Away. We Deserve Each Other. When The Children Are Asleep. Blow High, Blow Low. Happy Talk. Come Home. Hello, Young Lovers. I Cain't Say No. It's A Grand Night For Singing. Love, Look Away. A Wonderful Guy. Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful. Edelweiss. Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin'. There Is Nothin' Like A Dame. This Can't Be Love. I Have Dreamed. If I Loved You. In My Own Little Corner. Many A New Day. My Favorite Things. Out Of My Dreams. Sixteen Going On Seventeen. The Sound Of Music. There's A Small Hotel. We Kiss In A Shadow. What's The Use Of Wond'rin'. Some Enchanted Evening. So Far.


Rodgers. Uključujući bonus odjeljak s 25 Rodgers. Sastoji Oscar Hammerstein, Richarda Rodgersa i Lorenz Hart. Za Melody. Lyrics. Chords. Meki Pjesme. 256 stranice. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.240177. ISBN 0634032496. 4.25x6.75 cm. Ovaj zgodan mali meki ima 100 pjesama koje je ovaj legendarni pisanju pjesama tima, plus bonus dionicu 25 pjesama napisao je Rodgers i Hart. To uključuje i glazbenih redaka, tekstove i akorde za. Bali Ha'i. Začaran. Carousel Waltz. Uspon Ev'ry Mountain. Do-Re-Mi. Runolist. Kako do Znaš. Sretan Razgovor. Pozdrav, mladih ljubavnika. Honey Bun. Nije li to romantično. Kansas City. Manhattan. Moje najdraže stvari. Moj Funny Valentine. Moja Romantika. Oh, Što Lijepa Jutro. Oklahoma. Shall We Dance. Zbogom, Zbogom. Some Enchanted Evening. Sound of Music. Gdje i kada. i još mnogo toga. Također uključuje dio gitara akord dijagrami. Nema druge ljubavi. Uspon Ev'ry Mountain. Cockeyed Optimist. Kako do Znaš. Nisam znao koliko je sati. Nije li to romantično. Lady je Skitnica. March Of The sijamski djecu. Ljudi će reći da ste u ljubavi. Shall We Dance. That's The Way It Happens. Iskoristili ste meni. Mlađi od proljeće. Ti si lijepa. Nemoguć. Sve Na Jednom You Love Her. Manhattan. Bali Ha'i. Začaran. Carousel Waltz. Do-Re-Mi. Falling in Love With Love. Farmer i trgovac stokom. Gentleman je Dope. Drago mi je biti nesretan. Honey Bun. A Hundred Million Čudesa. Uživam biti djevojka. Imam puno povjerenje. I Whistle veseli napjev. Da sam bar In Love Again. Ja sam Gonna Wash da je čovjek pravo outa Moj kose. To može biti i kao Spring. U lipnju je Bustin 'Out All Over. Kansas City. Lonely kozar. Lovely Night. Moj Funny Valentine. Moje srce stalo. Oklahoma. Zbogom, Zbogom. Polusestre 'tuže. Deset centi Dance. Deset minuta Ago. To je gotovo Mine. Gdje i kada. Uz pjesmu u mom srcu. Vi nikada nećete Walk Alone. Moraš biti pažljivo Poučen. Marija. Bloody Mary. Boys And Girls Like You And Me. Jeste li upoznali gospođice Jones. To nikada nije ušao My Mind. Little Girl Blue. Mister snijeg. Obična Par. Nešto Wonderful. Blue Room. Tell Me. Reci mi zašto. Fellow potrepština Girl. Mogao bih napisati knjigu. Najljepša djevojka na svijetu. Moja Romantika. Pjevaj za vaše večere. Surrey sa Fringe na vrhu. Big Crna Giant. Lonely Room. Moj gospodar. Stvarni Nice Clambake. To Držati Moja ljubav Alive. Vi nikad niste daleko. Mi smo zaslužili Svaki Ostalo. Kad djeca spavaju. Blow High, Blow Low. Sretan Razgovor. Vrati se kući. Pozdrav, mladih ljubavnika. Ja Cain't reći ne. To je Grand Noć za pjevanje. Ljubav, Look Away. Wonderful Guy. Nemojte Volim te zato što si lijepa. Runolist. Oh, Što Lijepa Jutro. Tu je Nothin 'Like A Dame. To ne može biti ljubav. Ja sam sanjao. Ako sam te voljela. U svom malom kutku. Mnogi novi dan. Moje najdraže stvari. Out Of My Dreams. Šesnaest Going On Seventeen. Sound Of Music. Postoji mala hotela. Mi smo Kiss u sjeni. What's The Use Of Wond'rin'. Some Enchanted Evening. So Far.
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