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Jumbo Easy Guitar Songbook. Various. Easy Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


Jumbo Jednostavno Guitar Songbook. Raznovrstan. Lagana glazba Guitar list. Guitar Tablature note.


Jumbo Easy Guitar Songbook by Various. For Guitar. Easy Guitar. Guitar tablature. 402 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.702162. ISBN 0634025678. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. Beginners will love this immense collection of more than 240 super songs that they can actually play. Includes easy arrangements in notes and tab for gems in various genres, including. After You've Gone. Amazing Grace. Anchors Aweigh. Auld Lang Syne. Avalon. Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. The Banana Boat Song. Day Oh. Beale Street Blues. Blue Danube Waltz. Canon in D. Cielito Lindo. Clementine. Cockles and Mussels. Down by the Old Mill Stream. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. The Entertainer. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Give My Regards to Broadway. The Glow Worm. Greensleeves. Hail to the Chief. Hava Nagila. House of the Rising Sun. I Ain't Got Nobody. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. La Golondrina. Little Brown Jug. Loch Lomond. Marine's Hymn. Memories. 'O Sole Mio. Ode to Joy. Paper Doll. Peg O' My Heart. Scarborough Fair. Sidewalks of New York. St. Louis Blues. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Toreador Song. Wedding March. and more. Auf Wiedersehn. Wedding March. Bridal Chorus. Hindustan. M-O-T-H-E-R. A Word that means the World to me. My Little Girl. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. Down by the Old Mill Stream. In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree. There'll Be. A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight. Kum Ba Yah. I'm Always Chasing Rainbows. Adios Muchachos. After the Ball. After You've Gone. Bridal Chorus. Ain't We Got Fun. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Lavender's Blue. Greensleeves. Alabama Jubilee. I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time. Tom Dooley. The Wabash Cannon Ball. Goober Peas. The Banana Boat Song. This Little Light of Mine. The Lonesome Road. Worried Man Blues. All My Trials. Whispering Hope. Hava Nagila. Let's Be Happy. Down By The Riverside. Carnival of Venice. Avalon. That's A Plenty. Church In The Wildwood. Aloha Oe. Fur Elise. Alouette. Amazing Grace. Careless Love. Oh Marie. Anchors Aweigh. Pomp and Circumstance. Down in the Valley. The Star Spangled Banner. O Canada. The Big Rock Candy Mountain. Any Time. April Showers. Arkansas Traveler. A-Tisket A-Tasket. Aura Lee. Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. The Band Played On. The Battle Cry of Freedom. Beale Street Blues. Beautiful Brown Eyes. The Bells Of St. Mary's. Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home. Billboard March. Birthday Song. Blue Danube Waltz. The Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Crack Corn. Boola. Boola. The Bowery. Lullaby. Cradle Song. Buffalo Gals. Won't You Come Out Tonight. By the Light of the Silvery Moon. By The Beautiful Sea. The Caissons Go Rolling Along. The Campbells Are Coming. Can Can Polka. Canon In D. Carolina In The Morning. Chiapanecas. Chinatown, My Chinatown. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Cockles And Mussels. Molly Malone. Comin' Through The Rye. Give My Regards to Broadway. Dark Eyes. Down Yonder. Du, Du Liegst Mir Im Herzen. You, You Weigh On My Heart. Far Above Cayugas Waters. Fascination. Valse Tzigane. For Me And My Gal. Freight Train. Funiculi, Funicula. The Glow Worm. Go Tell Aunt Rhody. Hail To The Chief. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Hello. Ma Baby. I Ain't Got Nobody. And Nobody Cares For Me. I Gave My Love A Cherry. The Riddle Song. I Love You Truly. I Want a Girl. Just Like the Girl that Married Dear Old Dad. I Wish I Were Single Again. I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now. If You Were the Only Girl in the World. Indiana. Back Home Again In Indiana. La Cucaracha. La Golondrina. Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Limehouse Blues. Listen To The Mocking Bird. Maori Farewell Song. Marine's Hymn. Mary's A Grand Old Name. Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis. Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland. Melody of Love. Molly Malone. Cockles & Mussels. Moonlight Bay. My Buddy. My Gal Sal. My Melancholy Baby. My Wild Irish Rose. 'O Sole Mio. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Oh. Susanna. Oh. You Beautiful Doll. Old Folks At Home. Swanee River. On A Sunday Afternoon. Over There. Paper Doll. Peg O' My Heart. Poor Butterfly. Prayer Of Thanksgiving. Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey. Ragtime Cowboy Joe. Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody. Rock Island Line. Sailing, Sailing. Sailors Hornpipe. Santa Lucia. Say It With Music. School Days. When We Were a Couple of Kids. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. The Sheik Of Araby. Shine On, Harvest Moon. The Skaters. Waltz. Somebody Stole My Gal. Song Of The Islands. Stars And Stripes Forever. Streets Of Laredo. The Cowboy's Lament. Sugar Blues. Swanee. Sweet Adeline. You're The Flower Of My Heart, Sweet Adeline. Sweet Betsy From Pike. The Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi. Sweethearts. Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Der-E. There Is a Tavern in the Town. Three O'clock In The Morning. Tiger Rag. Hold That Tiger. Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral. That's An Irish Lullaby. Toreador Song. Twelfth Street Rag. Two Guitars. Vive l'AMour. Volga Boat Song. Wait 'Til The Sun Shines, Nellie. Waiting for the Robert E. Lee. 'Way Down Yonder In New Orleans. When My Baby Smiles At Me. When You Wore A Tulip. And I Wore a Big Red Rose. While Strolling Through The Park One Day. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise. Midnight Special. Git Along, Little Dogies. You Tell Me Your Dream. The Liberty Bell. There's A Hole In The Bucket. Skip to My Lou. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Home on the Range. I've Been Working On The Railroad. Yankee Doodle Boy. Frankie and Johnny. Smiles. Pop Goes the Weasel. Cielito Lindo. My Pretty Darling. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Humoresque. Hearts And Flowers. The Red River Valley. Sidewalks Of New York. Danny Boy. Tarantella. St. Louis Blues. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Yankee Doodle. You're A Grand Old Flag. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Old MacDonald. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pretty Baby. When The Saints Go Marching In. Auld Lang Syne. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. This Train. Do Lord. Come Back To Sorrento. Clarinet Polka. Little Brown Jug. Over the River and Through the Woods. Scarborough Fair. Ode to Joy. HOme Sweet Home. Cripple Creek. Go, Tell It on the Mountain. Look for the Silver Lining. A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody. In the Good Old Summertime. I Wish I Was In. Dixie. Give Me That Old Time Religion. House Of The Rising Sun. Joshua. Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Shenandoah. Saint James Infirmary. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. The Yellow Rose of Texas. Hallelujah Chorus. Loch Lomond. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. The Entertainer. Toyland. Dry Bones. Marianne. Memories. Whispering. She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain. Good Night Ladies. On Top of Old Smoky. America, the Beautiful. Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean. The Red, White And Blue. Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here. La Paloma Blanca. The White Dove.


Jumbo Easy Guitar pjesmarica strane različitih. Za gitaru. Jednostavno Guitar. Guitar tablature. 402 stranice. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.702162. ISBN 0634025678. Uz gitaru tablature. 9x12 inča. Početnici će ljubav ovu ogromnu kolekciju od više od 240 super pjesme koje su oni zapravo mogu igrati. Uključuje i jednostavne aranžmane u bilješkama i karticu za dragulja u raznim žanrovima, uključujući. Nakon što si otišao. Amazing Grace. Sidra Aweigh. Auld Lang prošlost. Avalon. Dušo, ne molim vas, Come Home. Banana Boat Song. Dan Oh. Beale Street Blues. Blue Danube Waltz. Canon u D. Cielito Lindo. Clementine. Cockles i dagnji. Dolje kod starog mlina Stream. Little Night Music. Zabavljač. Daj mi tu Old Time Religion. Moje pozdrave Broadwayu. Glow Worm. Greensleeves. Hail to the Chief. Hava Nagila. House of the Rising Sun. Nemam Nitko. Jesu, Joy čovjekove ŽELJI. La Golondrina. Little Brown Jug. Loch Lomond. Marine Himna. Sjećanja. "O Sole Mio. Oda radosti. Paper Doll. Peg O 'My Heart. Scarborough Fair. Pločnici New Yorku. St. Louis Blues. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Toreador Tekstovi. Svadbena koračnica. i još mnogo toga. Zbogom. Svadbena koračnica. Svadbeni Chorus. Hindustan. M-O-T-H-E-R. Riječ koja znači svijet za mene. My Little Girl. Jesu, Joy čovjekove ŽELJI. Dolje kod starog mlina Stream. U sjeni stare jabuke. Bit će. Hot Vrijeme u staroj gradskoj Tonight. Kum Ba Yah. Ja sam uvijek Chasing Rainbows. Adios Muchachos. Nakon što je lopta. Nakon što si otišao. Svadbeni Chorus. Zar smo dobili zabave. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Lavanda je Blue. Greensleeves. Alabama Jubilej. Ja ću biti s vama u Apple Blossom Time. Tom Dooley. Wabash Cannon Ball. Goober Peas. Banana Boat Song. Ovaj Little Light of Mine. Lonesome Road. Zabrinut Man Blues. Svim kušnjama. Šapće Hope. Hava Nagila. Budimo sretni. Down By The Riverside. Karneval u Veneciji. Avalon. To je Plenty. Crkva u Wildwood. Aloha Oe. Krzno Elise. Ševa. Amazing Grace. Nesavjesni Ljubav. Oh Marie. Sidra Aweigh. Kazlište. Dolje u dolini. Star Spangled Banner. O Kanada. Big rock Candy Mountain. Bilo koje vrijeme. Travnja Tuševi. Arkansas Traveler. -Tisket-Tasket. Aura Lee. Dušo, ne molim vas, Come Home. Band je svirao na. Battle Cry of Freedom. Beale Street Blues. Prekrasne smeđe oči. Zvona Svete Marije. Bill Bailey, neće vam Molimo Come Home. Billboard ožujka. Rođendanska pjesma. Blue Danube Waltz. Plava rep Fly. Jimmy Crack Corn. Boola. Boola. Bowery. Uspavanka. Cradle Tekstovi. Buffalo Gals. Neće li izaći večeras. Do Svjetlosti srebrno Mjeseca. By The Beautiful moru. Kesoni Go Rolling Along. U Campbells dolaze. Can Can Polka. Canon u D. Carolina U jutarnjim satima. Chiapanecas. Chinatown, Moj Chinatown. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Cockles i dagnji. Molly Malone. Dolaze Kroz žitu. Moje pozdrave Broadwayu. Tamne oči. Dolje tamošnje. Ti, ti me stavite u svom srcu. Vi, Vi Vaganje na srcu. Daleko iznad Cayugas Waters. Fascinantnost. Valse Ciganina. Za mene i moju Gal. Teretni vlak. Funiculi, Funicula. Glow Worm. Idi Recite Teta Rhody. Hail To The Chief. On je dobio cijeli svijet u rukama. Bok. Ma bebe. Nemam Nitko. I nikoga nije briga za mene. Dao sam moje ljubavi trešnje. Riddle Pjesma. Volim te Truly. I Want a Girl. Baš kao djevojka koja udala Dragi Stari Tata. Da sam bar jednom opet. Pitam se tko će ljubiti joj sada. Ako ste bili samo djevojka na svijetu. Indijana. Back Home Again U Indiani. La Cucaracha. La Golondrina. Nazvat ću vas Sweetheart. Limehouse Blues. Poslušajte rugajući Bird. Maori Oproštaj Pjesma. Marine Himna. Marijin Grand Old Name. Nađimo se u St. Louisu, Louisu. Nađimo se večeras u zemlju snova. Melody of Love. Molly Malone. Cockles. Moonlight Bay. Moj Prijatelj. Moj Gal Sal. Moj Melankolija bebe. Moj Wild Irish Rose. "O Sole Mio. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Oh. Susanna. Oh. Vi Lijepa lutka. Stari ljudi kod kuće. Swanee Rijeka. U nedjelju popodne. Tamo. Paper Doll. Peg O 'My Heart. Slabo Butterfly. Zahvalnom molitvom. Stavite svoje ruke oko mene, Med. Ragtime kauboj Joe. Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With Dixie Melody. Rock Island Line. Jedrenje, Jedrenje. Mornari Hornpipe. Santa Lucia. Say It With Music. Školskih dana. Kad smo bili dvoje djece. Nosila je žutu vrpcu. Šeik Od Araby. Shine On, Harvest Moon. Klizači. Valcer. Netko mi je ukrao Gal. Pjesma od otoka. Stars and Stripes Forever. Streets Of Laredo. Kauboj je tuže. Sugar Blues. Swanee. Sweet Adeline. Ti si cvijet moga srca, Sweet Adeline. Sweet Betsy Od Pikea. Dušo Sigma Chi. Ljubavnici. Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Der-E. Tu je konoba u gradu. Tri sata ujutro. Tiger Rag. Drži da je Tiger. Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral. To je irski Lullaby. Toreador Tekstovi. Twelfth Street Rag. Dvije gitare. Vive L'Amour. Volga Boat Song. Pričekajte 'Til sunce sja, Nellie. Čekajući Roberta E. Leeja. 'Put Dolje tamošnje u New Orleansu. Kad My Baby smiješi meni. Kad si nosio tulipana. I sam nosila Big Red Rose. Šetajući kroz park jedan dan. Hoće Circle Be neprekinute. Svjetska čeka sunca. Midnight Special. Git uzduž, Little Dogies. Reci mi svoj san. Liberty Bell. Postoji rupa u kantu. Preskoči na My Lou. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Pobuna na farmi. Radio sam na pruzi. Yankee Doodle Boy. Frankie i Johnny. Osmjesi. Pop Goes lasicu. Cielito Lindo. Moj Prilično Darling. Little Night Music. Humoreska. Srca i cvijeće. Red River Valley. Pločnici New Yorku. Danny Boy. Tarantela. St. Louis Blues. Ponekad se osjećam kao majke djeteta. Battle Hymn Republike. Yankee Doodle. Ti si Grand Old Flag. Moj Bonnie Nalazi se iznad oceana. Stari MacDonald. Michael Row Boat kopnu. Jer On je dobrog prijatelja. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pretty Baby. Kad Saints Go Marching In. Auld Lang prošlost. Samo Closer Walk s tobom. To Train. Da li Gospodinu. Come Back To Sorrento. Klarinet Polka. Little Brown Jug. Preko rijeke i kroz šumu. Scarborough Fair. Oda radosti. Home Sweet Home. Cripple Creek. Idi, reći da se na planini. Potražite srebro podstava. Prilično Djevojka je kao Melody. U dobrom starom Summertime. Volio bih da sam u. Južne države u Americi. Daj mi tu Old Time Religion. House Of The Rising Sun. Joshua. Fit bitku Jerihona. Shenandoah. Saint James Ambulanta. Skitnica. Skitnica. Skitnica. Kada Johnny Comes Marching Home. Žuta ruža Teksasu. Hallelujah Chorus. Loch Lomond. Kad irski Oči nasmijani. Zabavljač. Toyland. Suhe Kosti. Marianne. Sjećanja. Šaputanje. Bit će Comin '' oko planine. Laku noć dame. Na vrhu Starog dimi. Amerika, Beautiful. Columbia, Gem oceana. Crvena, bijela i plava. Zdravo, Zdravo, banda je sve ovdje. La Paloma Blanca. Bijela golubica.
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