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Trios for All. Albert L. Stoutamire. Flexible Instrument sheet music. Viola sheet music.


Trio za sve. Albert L. Stoutamire. Fleksibilna Instrument note. Viola note.


Trios for All. Viola. Composed by Albert L. Stoutamire. For Viola. Mixed Instruments - Flexible Instrumentation. Trio. Book. 24 pages. Published by Belwin Music. AP.PROBK01400. ISBN 0769256856. A variety of combinations of instruments can play trios with these books. With the exception of the basses, any three like-instruments such as three flutes, three clarinets, three cornets, three trombones, three bassoons, and so on can play together in three-part harmony. Numerous mixed-instruments such as violin, trumpet, and tuba also may perform all of the trios in these books. Basses must play the bottom line only, but the music is arranged so that they have the melody from time to time. Any number of instrumentalists may play together in three-part harmony. Thus, directors can rehearse the music with large ensembles and assign trios of players or groups of players to practice and perform together. Titles. Rigadoon. Purcell. Ivan Sings. Khachaturian. Andante. Mozart. Theme. from Symphony No. 1. Brahms. Hunter's Song. Beethoven. Passepied. Tellemann. Menuet. Handel. Andante Grazioso. Haydn. Little March. Shostakovich. Soldiers March. Schumann. Ballet Anglois. Fischer. Dirge. Bartok. March. Prokofiev. Waltz. Grieg. Dance. Kabalevsky. Kamarinskaia. Tschaikowsky. Larghetto. Stravinsky. Rigadoon. Ivan Sings. Andante. Theme. From Symphony No. 1. Hunter's Song. Passe Pied. Menuet. Andante Grazioso. Little March. Soldiers March. Ballet Anglois. Dirge. March. Waltz. Dance. Kamarinskaia. Larghetto.


Trio za sve. Ljubičica. Skladao Albert L. Stoutamire. Za Viola. Mješoviti instrumenti - Fleksibilni Instrumenti. Trio. Knjiga. 24 stranica. Objavio Belwin glazbe. AP.PROBK01400. ISBN 0769256856. Različite kombinacije instrumenata mogu igrati trija s tim knjigama. S izuzetkom basova, bilo kao tri-instrumenti poput tri flaute, klarineta, tri tri rogove, tri trombones, tri bassoons, i tako dalje mogu igrati zajedno u trodijelnom harmoniji. Brojni mješovite instrumenti poput violine, trube i tube mogu obavljati i sve trija u tim knjigama. Pedali moraju igrati samo dno crta, ali glazba je uređen tako da oni imaju melodiju s vremena na vrijeme. Svaki broj instrumentalista mogu igrati zajedno u trodijelnom harmoniji. Dakle, redatelji može vježbati glazbu s velikim ansamblima i dodijeliti trija igrača ili skupine igrača da prakticiraju i nastupaju zajedno. Naslovi. Rigadoon. Purcell. Ivan pjeva. Khachaturian. Andante. Mozart. Tema. iz simfonijskog broj 1. Brahms. Lovački Tekstovi. Beethoven. Passepied. Tellemann. Menuet. Trgovina. Andante grazioso. Haydn. Malo ožujka. Šostakovič. Vojnici ožujka. Schumann. Balet Anglois. Ribar. Parastos. Bartok. Ožujak. Prokofjeva. Valcer. Grieg. Ples. Kabalevsky. Kamarinskaia. Čajkovski. Larghetto. Stravinski. Rigadoon. Ivan pjeva. Andante. Tema. Od simfonija 1. Lovački Tekstovi. Lozinka stopala. Menuet. Andante grazioso. Malo ožujka. Vojnici ožujka. Balet Anglois. Parastos. Ožujak. Valcer. Ples. Kamarinskaia. Larghetto.