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Songs of the '40s. Various. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Trumpet Solo sheet music.


Songs of '40s. Raznovrstan. B-Stan Truba note. Truba Solo note.


Songs of the '40s. Trumpet. Composed by Various. For Trumpet. Instrumental Folio. 76 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.841813. ISBN 0634060503. 9x12 inches. Over 65 great 1940s favorites arranged for solo instruments. Includes. God Bless' the Child. Harlem Nocturne. How High the Moon. I'll Be Seeing You. In the Mood. Java Jive. Sentimental Journey. Stella by Starlight. Take the “A” Train. Younger Than Springtime. and dozens more. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive. Ciribiribin. Lean Baby. Bewitched. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo. The Magic Song. Come Rain Or Come Shine. Daddy. Don't Get Around Much Anymore. Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree. With Anyone Else But Me. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye. Fine And Mellow. God Bless' The Child. Harlem Nocturne. Hit The Road To Dreamland. How Are Things In Glocca Morra. How High The Moon. I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire. I Don't Want To Walk Without You. I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good. I Got The Sun In The Morning. I Hear Music. I Wish I Didn't Love You So. I'm Beginning to See the Light. I'm Just A Lucky So And So. In The Blue Of Evening. It Never Entered My Mind. It's Been A Long, Long Time. Java Jive. Juke Box Saturday Night. Moonlight in Vermont. The Nearness Of You. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square. On A Slow Boat To China. Saturday Night. Is the Loneliest Night of the Week. Seems Like Old Times. Sentimental Journey. Shoo Fly Pie And Apple Pan Dowdy. Stella By Starlight. A String of Pearls. Tangerine. That Old Black Magic. There's No Business Like Show Business. Tuxedo Junction. What's New. You'll Never Walk Alone. Younger Than Springtime. Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah. Jingle Jangle Jingle. I Got Spurs. Air Mail Special. Day by Day. Be Careful, It's My Heart. Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me. Flying Home. I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart. I'll Be Seeing You. In The Mood. Lazy River. One For My Baby. And One More For The Road. When The Lights Go On Again. All Over The World. There'll Be Bluebirds Over. The White Cliffs Of Dover. Steppin' Out With My Baby. The Girl That I Marry. Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin'. If I Loved You. Some Enchanted Evening. Take The 'A' Train. Opus One. My Foolish Heart. BÃsame Mucho. Kiss Me Much.


Songs of '40s. Truba. Sastoji se od strane raznih. Za truba. Instrumental Folio. 76 stranice. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.841813. ISBN 0634060503. 9x12 inča. Preko 65 velikih 1940 favoriti uređen za solo instrumente. Uključuje. God Bless 'Dijete. Harlem Nocturne. Kako High Moon. Ja ću se gledajući vas. Raspoložen. Java Jive. Sentimental Journey. Stella by Starlight. Uzmite "A" Train. Mlađi od proljeće. i još nekoliko desetaka. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate pozitivnom. Ciribiribin. Lean bebe. Začaran. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo. Magic Pjesma. Come Rain Or Come Shine. Tata. Ne Get Around Much Anymore. Nemojte sjediti pod jabukom. With Anyone Else But Me. Dream Je Wish Your Heart čini. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye. Fine i pripit. God Bless 'The Child. Harlem Nocturne. Hit The Road To Dreamland. Kako je u Glocca Morra. Kako High Moon. Ja ne želite postaviti World on Fire. Ne želim hodati bez tebe. Uspio sam loš, to nije dobro. I Got The Sun In The Morning. Čujem glazbu. Volio bih da ti nisi ljubavi, tako. Ja sam na početku vidjeti svjetlo. Ja sam samo sretan je taj i taj. U plavom večernjih. To nikada nije ušao My Mind. Prošlo je dugo, dugo vremena. Java Jive. Juke Box Saturday Night. Mjesečina u Vermontu. Blizina vas. Nightingale Sang U Berkeley Squareu. Na spor brodom u Kinu. Četvrtak u noći. Je Loneliest noći u tjednu. Čini se kao u stara vremena. Sentimental Journey. Shoo Fly Pie I Apple Pan Dowdy. Stella By Starlight. String of Pearls. Mandarina. To Old Black Magic. Nema Poslovni kao i show business. Tuxedo Junction. Što ima novoga. Vi nikada nećete Walk Alone. Mlađi od proljeće. Zip--Dee-Doo-Dah. Jingle larma Jingle. Dobio sam Spurs. Air Mail Special. Iz dana u dan. Budite oprezni, to je moje srce. Dali Nothin 'Till You Hear From Me. Flying Home. I neka pjesma ne izlazi iz mog srca. Ja ću se gledajući vas. U raspoloženju. Lazy River. Jedna za moje dijete. I još jedan za put. Kada se svjetla ponovno. All Over The World. Bit će Bluebirds Over. The White Cliffs Of Dover. Steppin 'Out With My baby. Djevojka To sam Marry. Oh, Što Lijepa Jutro. Ako sam te voljela. Some Enchanted Evening. Take 'A' Train. Opus One. Moj Lud Heart. BÃsame Mucho. Kiss Me Much.