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The Dancing Fiddler's Tune Books - 2nd Fiddle Part. Deborah Greenblatt. Violin sheet music.


Ples Fiddler napjevom Knjige - 2. dio Gusle. Deborah Greenblatt. Violina note.


The Dancing Fiddler's Tune Books - 2nd Fiddle Part arranged by Deborah Greenblatt. String Trio. For violin 2. World, Dance. Part book. Standard Notation. 56 pages. Published by Greenblatt & Seay. GS.BFE1DFTB-2. With Standard Notation. World, Dance. 8.5 x 11 inches. These spiral bound collections feature 52 dance tunes from all over the globe, complete with helpful hints on how to practice and play the tunes in a danceable fashion. This book includes hornpipes, jigs, polkas, reels, two-steps, and waltzes, arranged for fiddle, and includes chords for the guitar. The 1st Fiddle book. available separately. includes the melody. The 2nd Fiddle book consists of a duet part for the 1st Fiddle book, often in a twinning style. The 3rd Fiddle book. available separately. consists of an accompanimental part for the 1st Fiddle book, often much easier than the melody. Bergerette. Dont vient cela. 10. Basse danse. Mon desir. 11. Reprise. Le cueur est bon. 12. Reprise. Cest a grant tort. 13. Ronde I. Pour quoy. 14. Ronde II. Mon amy. 15. Ronde III. 16. Ronde IV. 17. Ronde V. 18. Ronde VI. 19. Ronde VII. Il estoit une fillette. Bergerette. Sans roch. 20. Ronde VIII. Mille ducas en vostre bource. 21. Ronde IX. 22. Salterelle. 23. Les quatre Branles. 24. Fagot. 25. Den hoboecken dans. 26. De Post. 27. Danse de Hercules oft maticine. 28. De Matrigale. 29. Allemaingne I. Reprise. Cest une du des partie. 30. Allemaingne II. 31. Allemaingne III. 32. Allemaingne IV. 33. Allemaingne V. 34. Allemaingne VI. 35. Allemaingne VII. 36. Allemaingne VIII. 37. Pavane I. Mille regretz. 38. Pavane II. La dona. 39. Pavane III. Mille ducas. Bergerette. 40. Pavane IV. Si par souffrir. 41. Pavane V. La Battaille. 42. Passe et medio. 43. Gaillarde I. 44. Gaillarde II. 45. Gaillarde III. 46. Gaillarde IV. 47. Gaillarde V. Ghequest bin ick. 48. Gaillarde VI. 49. Gaillarde VII. La morisque. 50. Gaillarde VIII. La dona. 51. Gaillarde IX. 52. Gaillarde X. Mille ducas. 53. Gaillarde XI. 54. Gaillarde XII. 55. Gaillarde XIII. 56. Gaillarde XIV. 57. Gaillarde XV. Le tout. Bergerette. Les grands douleurs. Entre du fol. Danse du Roy. Reprise. Le joly boys. Back to Nebraska. Banish Misfortune. Boda Valsen. Chiapanecas. Chicken Reel. Chihuahua. Clarinet Polka. Crabs in the Skillet. Crossing Great Glen. Csebogar. Durang's Hornpipe. Ebba Polka. Fisher's Hornpipe. Flying Waltz. Gary Owen. Gilderoy's Reel. Golubicica. Little She-Dove. Haste to the Wedding. "Hraj, Abo Kroszi Widdaj. Play, or Give Back the Money. Hunt the Squirrel. I Don't Want No Babies In My Bed. Irish Washerwoman. Jack Mitchell's Polka. Jonie and Mason Two-Step. Kelley Waltz. Kitchen Two-Step. Kynkkaliepakko. La Cucaracha. Martin's Waltz. My Wife Is a Wee Wanton Thing. "Nejezdi Ty Synku. Don't Ride Out, Sonny. Noriu Miego. On Two Feet Polka. Over The Waves. Paddy Whack. Peekaboo Waltz. Ricketts Hornpipe. Sailor's Hornpipe. Saint Anne's Reel. Same Songs Sailors Have Sung. Shannon Waltz. Sirinte Mane Motinele. Smash The Windows. Swallow Tail. Temperance Reel. The Miller. The Old Lady Who Taught Me to Yodel. Three-In-One Two-Step. Turfmen's Dancing Fool. Turn Loose the Dogs. Westphalia Waltz. Why Do We Try. Hraj, Abo Kroszi Widdaj. Play, or Give Back the Money. Nejezdi Ty Synku. Don't Ride Out, Sonny.


Ples Fiddler je Tune Knjige - 2. Gusle dio uređen Deborah Greenblatt. Gudački trio. Za violinu 2. World, Dance. Dio knjige. Standardna notacija. 56 stranice. Objavio Greenblatt. GS.BFE1DFTB-2. S Standardna notacija. World, Dance. 8,5 x 11 inča. Ove spiralni dužni zbirke imaju 52 plesnih pjesama iz svih krajeva svijeta, zajedno s korisni savjeti o tome kako vježbati i igrati pjesme u plesni modi. Ova knjiga sadrži hornpipes, sprave, polkas, role, dvije korake i valcere, uređen za gusle, a uključuje i akorde za gitaru. 1. Gusle knjiga. dostupan zasebno. uključuje melodiju. 2. Gusle Knjiga se sastoji od dijela za duet 1. gusle knjige, često u twinning stilu. 3. Gusle knjiga. dostupan zasebno. Sastoji se od accompanimental dio za 1st gusle knjige, često puno lakše nego na melodiju. Bergerette. Koji je u pitanju. 10. Basse danse. Pon poželjno,. 11. Oporavak. Srce je dobro. 12. Oporavak. Cest grant deliktu. 13. Ronde sam. Za Quoy. 14. Ronde II. Mon amy. 15. Ronde III. 16. Ronde IV. 17. Ronde V. 18. Ronde VI. 19. Ronde VII. On je, djevojka. Bergerette. Bez Roka. 20. Ronde VIII. Ducas mile Vostre bource. 21. Ronde IX. 22. Salterelle. 23. Les quatre Branles. 24. Fagot. 25. Den hoboecken dans. 26. De post. 27. Danse de Hercules oft maticine. 28. De Matrigale. 29. Allemaingne sam. Oporavak. To je dio. 30. Allemaingne II. 31. Allemaingne III. 32. Allemaingne IV. 33. Allemaingne V. 34. Allemaingne VI. 35. Allemaingne VII. 36. Allemaingne VIII. 37. Pavane sam. Mille regretz. 38. Pavane II. La Dona. 39. Pavane III. Mille ducas. Bergerette. 40. Pavane IV. Ako trpeći. 41. Pavane V. Bitka. 42. Passe et medio. 43. Gaillarde sam. 44. Gaillarde II. 45. Gaillarde III. 46. Gaillarde IV. 47. Gaillarde V. Ghequest bin ick. 48. Gaillarde VI. 49. Gaillarde VII. La morisque. 50. Gaillarde VIII. La Dona. 51. Gaillarde IX. 52. Gaillarde X. Mille ducas. 53. Gaillarde XI. 54. Gaillarde XII. 55. Gaillarde XIII. 56. Gaillarde XIV. 57. Gaillarde XV. Svi. Bergerette. Major bol. Između fol. Ples Roy. Oporavak. Le Joly dječaka. Povratak u Nebraski. Napustite nesreću. Boda Valsen. Chiapanecas. Piletina Reel. Chihuahua. Klarinet Polka. Rakovi u tavu. Prelazak Great Glen. Csebogar. Durang je Hornpipe. Ebba Polka. Fisherov Hornpipe. Letenje Waltz. Gary Owen. Gilderoy je Reel. Golubicica. Malo Ona-Dove. Žurba na vjenčanje. "Hraj, Abo Kroszi Widdaj. Igrajte, ili vratiti novac. Loviti vjevericu. Ja ne želim Babies In My Bed. Irski Pralja. Jack Mitchell Polka. Jonie i Mason Dvije Korak. Kelley Waltz. Kuhinja Dvije Korak. Kynkkaliepakko. La Cucaracha. Martina Waltz. Moja žena je Wee bezobzirno Thing. "Nejezdi Ty Synku. Nemojte voziti se, Sonny. Noriu Miego. Na dvije noge polke. Preko valova. Paddy Hrga. Žmurke Waltz. Ricketts Hornpipe. Mornarski Hornpipe. Saint Ane Reel. Iste pjesme Mornari pjevao. Shannon Waltz. Sirinte Mane Motinele. Razbiti prozorima. Progutati rep. Umjerenost Reel. Miller. Stara dama koja me učio da jodlovati. Tri-In-One Two-Step. Turfmen Dancing Fool. Uključite izgubiti psima. Westphalia Waltz. Što će nam pokušati. Hraj, Abo Kroszi Widdaj. Igrajte, ili vratiti novac. Nejezdi Ty Synku. Nemojte voziti se, Sonny.