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Ultimate Christmas Instrumental Solos for Strings. Various. Viola sheet music.


Ultimate Christmas Instrumentalne Solos za gudače. Raznovrstan. Viola note.


Ultimate Christmas Instrumental Solos for Strings. Viola. Arranged by Various. For Viola. Book. CD. Play-Along. String Series. Ultimate Instrumental Solos Series. Christmas. Sacred. Secular. Winter. Grade 2. Grade 3. 60 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.41518. ISBN 0739099175. Christmas. Sacred. Secular. Winter. Alfred Music's Ultimate Christmas Instrumental Solos series offers a versatile selection of Christmas music for flute, clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, trumpet, horn in F, trombone, violin, viola, and cello. Each book contains carefully edited arrangements appropriate to each instrument, and well suited for level 2-3 students. Popular carols are presented both individually and in medleys and suites. "Celebration Medley" includes the cheerful classics "Hallelujah Chorus" and "Joy to the World. " "Manger Medley" incorporates unique arrangements of "Away in a Manger" and "Silent Night. " And "Carol Medley" features songs great for caroling, such as "Hark. The Herald Angels Sing" and "The First Noel. " Suites include "Themes from The Nutcracker Suite," which showcases the famous "Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy" and "March". and "Folk Carol Suite," which contains the well-known "Coventry Carol. Lullay, Thou Little Tiny Child. " These suites are especially adaptable, with movements or themes that can be played consecutively, as one large piece, or on their own---each section is conveniently printed on a single page and has its own separate track on the provided MP3 CD. The CD includes a fully orchestrated DEMO track of each song, which features a live instrumental solo performance, followed by a PLAY-ALONG track. Also included are PDFs of piano accompaniments, and Alfred's Tempo Changer Software. Titles. A Holly Jolly Christmas. Believe. from The Polar Express. Blue Christmas. Celebration Medley. Hallelujah Chorus. Joy to the World. Do They Know It's Christmas. Feed the World. Feliz Navidad. Frosty the Snowman. Gesu Bambino. Happy Xmas. War Is Over. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I'll Be Home for Christmas. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly. It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Jingle Bell Rock. Jingle Bells. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. The Little Drummer Boy. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming. O Christmas Tree. Recorded Acc. Available.


Ultimate Christmas Instrumentalne Solos za gudače. Ljubičica. Raspored po Various. Za Viola. Knjiga. CD. Play-zajedno. String serija. Konačan Instrumental Solos serije. Božić. Svet. Svjetovan. Zima. Grade 2. Grade 3. 60 stranica. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.41518. ISBN 0739099175. Božić. Svet. Svjetovan. Zima. Alfred Glazba je Ultimate Christmas Instrumental Solos serija nudi raznovrstan izbor božićne glazbe za flautu, klarinet, saksofon, alt saksofon tenor, trubu, rog u F, trombona, violine, violu, violončelo i. Svaka knjiga sadrži pomno uređene aranžmane sukladno svakom pojedinom instrumentu, i dobro prilagođen za razinu 2-3 studente. Popularno pjesama su prezentirani i pojedinačno iu medleys i apartmana. "Proslava Medley" uključuje vesela klasika "Hallelujah Chorus" i "radost svijetu. "" Manger Medley "uključuje jedinstvene aranžmane" Away u jasle "i" Silent Night. "A" Carol Medley "sadrži pjesme super za caroling, kao što su" Čuj. Herald Angels Sing "i" First Noel. "Suites uključuju" Teme iz Orašar Suite "koja vitrine poznati" Ples Sugar Plum Fairy-"i" ožujak ". i "Narodna Carol Suite" koja sadrži poznatu "Coventry Carol. Lullay, ti malo sitnih Dijete. "Ovi apartmani su posebno prilagodljiv, s pokretima ili teme koje se mogu igrati uzastopno, što je jedan veliki komad, ili na vlastitu --- svako poglavlje povoljno tiskana na jednoj stranici i ima svoj poseban trag na predviđeno MP3 CD. CD sadrži potpuno orkestriranu DEMO pratiti svake pjesme, koji ima živu instrumentalnu solo izvedbu, nakon čega slijedi play-uz stazu. Također su uključeni PDF glasovirskih pratnja, a Alfred je Tempo Changer Software. Naslovi. Holly Jolly Božić. Povjerovati. iz Polar Express. Plavi Božić. Proslava Medley. Hallelujah Chorus. Joy to the World. Znaju li oni da je Božić. Hraniti 'svijet. Sretan Božić. Frosty snjegović. Mali Isus. Sretan Božić. Rat je završen. Sami Sretan Mali Božić. Ja ću biti doma za Božić. Djetešce Holy, dojenčadi Nisko. To je najljepše doba godine. Jingle Bell rock. Jingle Bells. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Little Drummer Boy. Eto, kako Rose e'er Blooming. O Christmas Tree. Snimljeni Acc. Dostupan.