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Christmas Duets, Level 3. Jane Smisor Bastien. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music.


Božićni Duets, Level 3. Jane Smisor Bastien. Klavir Metoda note. Piano Solo note.


Christmas Duets, Level 3 composed by Jane Smisor Bastien. For piano. Bastien Supplementary Books. Bastien Piano. Christmas. Christmas. Level 3. Music Book. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.GP313. ISBN 849761158. Christmas. Your students will enjoy succesful ensemble experiences using teacher-tested arrangements for early level performers. Although correlated with the Bastien Piano Library, these volumes may be used as supplementary enrichment with any piano course. Primo and secondo parts are equal in difficulty for all the pieces which include We Wish You A Merry Christmas, O Christmas Tree, The First Noel, Silent Night and many more. Holiday music for four hands. The text of the carol is written at the top of the page to leave a clear and open score for writing in the counts. Encourage your students to share these full sounding duets with audiences at school and church. Jingle Bells. O Come, Little Children. Silent Night. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. What Child Is This. We Three Kings.


Christmas Duets, Razina 3 skladao Jane Smisor Bastien. Za glasovirom. Bastien Dopunska Books. Bastien Piano. Božić. Božić. Razina 3. Glazba knjiga. Objavljeno Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.GP313. ISBN 849761158. Božić. Vaši studenti će uživati ​​u uspješnoj ansambl iskustva pomoću nastavnika testiran aranžmane za rano razini izvođača. Iako je u korelaciji s Piano Bastien knjižnice, te količine mogu se upotrijebiti kao dopunski obogaćivanja bilo piano naravno. Primo i Secondo dijelovi su jednaki u teškoćama za sve dijelove koji uključuju Želimo vam sretan Božić, O božićno drvce, prvi Noela, Tiha noć i još mnogo toga. Holiday glazba za četiri ruke. Tekst pjesme napisao je na vrhu stranice napustiti jasnu i otvorenu rezultat za pisanje u tačkama. Potaknite učenike i studente da se dijele ove pune sondiranje dueta s publikom u školi i crkvi. Jingle Bells. O Dođite, dječice. Silent Night. Čuo sam zvona na Božić. Želimo vam sretan Božić. Što je dijete ovo. Mi Tri kralja.
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