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I'll Stand by You. Billy Steinberg. Choir sheet music.


Ja ću biti uz vas. Billy Steinberg. Zbor note.


I'll Stand by You composed by Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelly. Arranged by Greg Gilpin. Choir Secular. 3-Part Mixed Choir. SAB. Choral Octavo. Pop Choral. Graduation. Secular. Choral Octavo. 12 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.28804. Carrie Underwood has given this 1994 Pretenders' hit a fresh new country flavor. With a lyric that's especially appropriate for graduation and year-end concerts, this song is sure to create a special bond in your singers. "When you're standing at the crossroads, and don't know which path to choose, let me come along, 'cause even if you're wrong, I'll stand by you. Recorded Acc. Available. The Alfred Pop Series features outstanding arrangements of songs from the popular music genre. These publications provide exciting, contemporary, and educationally-sound arrangements for singers of all ages, from elementary through high school, to college and adult choirs.


Ja ću biti uz vas skladao Billy Steinberg i Tom Kelly. Uređeni Greg Gilpin. Zbor svjetovni. 3-dio Mješoviti pjevački zbor. SAB. Pjevačkog Octavo. Pop pjevački. Diplomiranje. Svjetovan. Pjevačkog Octavo. 12 stranica. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.28804. Carrie Underwood je dao ovu 1994 pretendenata 'hit svježi novi okus zemlji. Uz lirike koja je osobito prikladno za maturu i na kraju godine koncerti, ova pjesma je siguran da će stvoriti posebnu vezu u svojim pjevačima. "Kad stojiš na raskrižju, a ne znam koji put da odaberete, dopustite mi dolaze zajedno, zato što, čak i ako ste u krivu, ja ću biti uz vas. Snimljeni Acc. Dostupan. Alfred Pop Serija ima izvrsne aranžmane pjesama iz popularne glazbe. Ove publikacije pružiti uzbudljive, suvremena, i odgojno-zvučne aranžmane za pjevača svih uzrasta, od učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola, na faksu i odraslih zborova.