
Notna sveska $65.00


Moon Dreams. Guitar sheet music. Alto Saxophone sheet music. B-Flat Trumpet sheet music. Baritone Saxophone sheet music. Drums sheet music. Horn sheet music. Percussion sheet music. Piano sheet music. Tenor Saxophone sheet music. Trombone sheet music. Tuba sheet music. Advanced.


Moon Dreams. Gitara note. Alt saksofon note. B-Stan Truba note. Bariton saksofon note. Bubnjevi note. Horn note. Udaraljke note. Piano note. Tenor saksofon note. Trombon note. Tuba note. Napredan.


Moon Dreams by The Claude Thornhill Orchestra. Edited by Jeffrey Sultanof. Arranged by Gil Evans. For orchestra. 3 Flutes, 1 Clarinet, 1 Alto sax. dbl. clarinet 2. , 2 Tenor saxes. 1st dbl. clarinet 3, 2nd dbl. bass clarinet 1. , 1 Baritone sax. dbl. bass clarinet 2. , 3 Trumpets, 2 French Horns, 2 Trombones, Tuba, Guitar, Piano, Bass, Drums. Ballad. Advanced. Full score and set of parts. Published by Jazz Lines Publications. JL.JLP-8122. Notes by Jeffrey Sultanof. Background. The Claude Thornhill Orchestra was an ensemble that had a unique approach. a vibrato-less sound mass as support for the leaders piano stylings. Not that Thornhill didnt like adventurous music. hed composed a piece in 1941 called Portrait of a Guinea Farm which was pretty advanced. But by 1947, he wanted a more straight-forward band that played ballads and music for dancing. Thornhill virtually turned over the ensemble to Evans after the war with regard to its musical direction, showing up for work but little else. Evans was going through a period of self-study. going to the New York Public Library and borrowing records and scores of the music of Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Bartok and a particular favorite, Ernest Bloch. composer of the cello concerto Schlomo. Between arranging pop songs and commissioning scores from the top young arrangers of the day, such as Gerry Mulligan, George Russell and John Carisi, he was expanding his musical vision by arranging Charlie Parker and Miles Davis bebop lines and incorporating his expanding musical vocabulary into his scores for the band. This can certainly be seen in part of a ballad medley of Easy Living, Everything Happens to Me and Moon Dreams. The Music. Instrumentation for this setting is. 3 flutes, clarinet, alto sax. dbl. clarinet 2. , 2 tenor saxes. 1st dbl. clarinet 3, 2nd dbl. bass clarinet 1. baritone sax. dbl. bass clarinet 2. , 3 trumpets, 2 French Horns, 2 trombones, tuba, guitar, piano, bass, drums. For a brief period in mid-1947, the Thornhill Orchestra included three flutes, and this medley can be dated based on the inclusion of these instruments. the arrangement can be played without them. Evans makes the most of the flutes in this setting. they add another color and a shimmering, velvety top to the ensemble sound. At the same time, the last part of Moon Dreams has to be one of the most dissonant, complex pieces written for a dance band in the ensembles history. the only other big band composer who wrote such disturbing music during this period was Robert Graettinger for the Stan Kenton Orchestra. One wonders whether the entire medley was played in public, or simply cut at bar 40. It was not recorded. Moon Dreams was clearly an important musical milestone for Evans. There is strong evidence to suggest that Moon Dreams was the first arrangement written for the Miles Davis Nonet. later to be called the Birth of the Cool ensemble. This is the only arrangement with a clarinet part, as Evans originally wanted Danny Polo from the Thornhill band to be included. the alto sax part is an exact transposition of the clarinet part. , and Evans chose an already-written setting to set for the smaller ensemble, partly to show the other arrangers how to approach the instrumentation of the ensemble. the goal being to get the Thornhill sound with a smaller group. That he would have revisited the complex final eighteen bars of Moon Dreams says a lot for Evans continual re-thinking and revising his own work, as he would later on with different versions of Jambangle, Blues for Pablo, and La Nevada. As has been pointed out elsewhere in notes for other Evans. Thornhill arrangements in this series, Evans wrote contrapuntally vs. chordally, considering the line first. Musicians have commented that one of the reasons they love playing his arrangements is because he writes interesting parts that cross at times. look at most trombone parts he wrote for Thornhill. At the same time, he frequently wrote a five-part harmony that was doubled an octave below, creating some striking soft dissonances. The only way to deal with these is to have your students listen carefully as well as maintain accurate tuning. In an age where ensembles have played Brookmeyer and Schneider, this should not be too difficult. The last eighteen bars are pure counterpoint, and should be rehearsed in groups with the same musical lines. marking up the score with different color highlighters might be useful. The groupings of five must be played evenly. This arrangement has been published from the original autograph score and is authorized by the Estate of Gil Evans. This is not a transcription. This is a very complex arrangement full dense, lush voicings and difficult rhythms. Gil later modified this arrangement for the Miles Davis 'Birth of the Cool' session. This arrangement was recently recorded by the Dutch Jazz Orchestra on their 2008 CD titled 'Moon Dreams. Rediscovered Music of Gil Evans and Gerry Mulligan. ' Note. The sound sample is courtesy of the Manhattan School of Music's Concert Jazz Band, conducted by Justin DiCioccio.


Mjesec Snovi strane Claude thornhill orkestar. Uredio Jeffrey Sultanof. Raspored po Gil Evans. Za orkestar. 3 flaute, klarineta 1, 1 Alto Sax. dbl. klarinet 2. , 2 Tenor saxes. 1. dbl. klarinet 3., 2. dbl. bas klarinet 1. , 1 Bariton sax. dbl. bas klarinet 2. , 3 trube, 2 francuski Horns, 2 trombona, tuba, gitara, klavir, bas, bubnjevi. Balada. Napredan. Cijeli rezultat i set dijelova. Objavljeno prema jazz Lines Publikacije. JL.JLP-8122. Bilješke Jeffrey Sultanof. Pozadina. Claude Thornhill orkestar je ansambl koji je jedinstven pristup. vibrato-manje zvučna masa kao i podršku za vodećima glasovir stylings. Nije da Thornhill nije svidjelo avanturistički glazbe. HED sastoji komad u 1941 pod nazivom Portret Gvineja Farma koji je prilično napredan. No, do 1947, on je želio više ravno naprijed band koji svira balade i glazbe za ples. Thornhill praktički prešlo preko ansambla Evans nakon rata s obzirom na njegovu glazbenom smjeru, pokazuje se za posao, ali malo drukčije. Evans je prolazio kroz period od samoučenje. odlaska u New York Public Library i posuđivanje zapise i rezultate glazbu Prokofjeva, Stravinskog, Bartoka i određenog favorita, Ernesta Blocha. skladatelj violončelo i orkestar Schlomo. Između uređenje pop pjesme i puštanje ocjene od najboljih mladih aranžera na dan, kao što je Gerry Mulligan, George Russell i John Carisi, on je širi svoju glazbenu viziju za uređenje Charlie Parker i Miles Davis Bebop linije i uključuje njegov širi glazbeni rječnika u njegovoj rezultat za bend. To svakako može se vidjeti u dijelu balada mješovito Easy Living, sve mi se dogodi i Mjesečevim snovima. Glazba. Instrumenti za ovu postavku je. 3 flaute, klarineta, alto sax. dbl. klarinet 2. , 2 tenor saxes. 1. dbl. klarinet 3., 2. dbl. bas klarinet 1. bariton saksofon. dbl. bas klarinet 2. , 3, 2 trube francuski Horns, 2 trombona, tuba, gitaru, klavir, bas, bubnjevi. Za kratko vrijeme sredinom 1947 Thornhill Orkestar se sastoji od tri flaute, a to se može datirati mješovito temelji na uključivanju tih instrumenata. Raspored se može igrati bez njih. Evans čini većinu flaute u ovom okruženju. dodali su još jednu boju i svjetlucavu, baršunasti vrh na ansambla zvuka. U isto vrijeme, posljednji dio Mjeseca snova mora biti jedan od najvažnijih disonantnim, složene skladbe za ples bend u povijesti ansambala. Jedini veliki bend skladatelj koji je napisao takvo uznemirujuću glazbu u tom razdoblju bio je Robert Graettinger za Stan Kenton orkestra. Pitamo se je li čitava mješovito je igrao u javnosti, ili jednostavno smanjiti na traci 40. Nije zabilježen. Moon Dreams je očito važno glazbena prekretnica za Evansa. Postoje čvrsti dokazi koji upućuju da je Mjesec Snovi bio prvi sporazum napisan za Miles Davis Nonet. kasnije se zove Rođenje Cool ansambla. To je samo dogovor s klarineta, kao Evans prvotno želio Danny Polo iz thornhill benda koji će biti uključeni. alto sax dio je točno prenošenje od klarineta. , A Evans je izabrao već napisano postavku postaviti za manji ansambl, djelomično pokazati druge aranžeri kako pristupiti instrumentaciju ansambla. cilj je dobiti thornhill zvuk s manjom skupinom. Da bi on ponovno je složena konačne osamnaest barova Mjesec Dreams govori puno za Evans stalnog preispitivanja i revidira svoje djelo, kao što bi kasnije s različitim verzijama Jambangle, Blues za Pabla, i La Nevadi. Kao što je istaknuo i drugdje u bilješkama za druge Evansa. Thornhill aranžmani u ovoj seriji, Evans je napisao kontrapunktu vs. chordally, s obzirom na crtu prva. Glazbenici su komentirali da je jedan od razloga zašto oni vole igrati svoje aranžmane jer piše zanimljive dijelove koji prelaze s vremena na vrijeme. pogled na većini trombon dijelova koje je napisao za Thornhill. U isto vrijeme, on je često pisao pet dio sklad koji je udvostručio za oktavu niže, stvarajući neke neobične meke disonance. Jedini način da se nositi s njima je da su vaši učenici slušaju pažljivo, kao i održavanje i precizno ugađanje. U dobi u kojoj ansambli igrali Brookmeyer i Schneider, to ne bi trebalo biti previše teško. Posljednjih osamnaest barovi su čista suprotnost, i trebao bi biti uvježban u skupinama s istim glazbenim linijama. obilježavanje se pojavio rezultat s različitim bojama isticanje moglo biti korisno. U grupacije pet moraju odigrati ravnomjerno. Ovaj dogovor je objavljeno iz izvorne autogram rezultat i ovlašten od strane Estate Gil Evans. To nije transkripcije. To je vrlo složen aranžman full gusta, bujna voicings i teški ritmovi. Gil kasnije mijenjati ovaj aranžman za Milesa Davisa 'Rođenja Cool' sjednici. Ovaj dogovor je nedavno snimio nizozemski Jazz orkestra na njihovom 2008 CD-u pod nazivom "Mjesec Dreams. Ponovno otkriti Glazba Gil Evans i Gerry Mulligan. 'Note. Zvuk Uzorak je ljubaznošću na Manhattan School of Music koncertnih Jazz Band, provedena Justin DiCioccio.
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