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Deluxe Pedal Steel Guitar Method. Electric Guitar sheet music. Steel Guitar sheet music.


Deluxe Pedala Steel Guitar Method. Električna gitara note. Steel gitara note.


Deluxe Pedal Steel Guitar Method composed by DeWitt Scott. For Guitar. Pedal Steel. Wire bound, Methods. Country. Multiple Levels. Book. CD Set. 200 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.93849BCD. ISBN 9780786665266. Country. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. This is the standard-bearer for pedal steel instruction books. It is extremely comprehensive in scope. Written by DeWitt Scott, founder of the International Pedal Steel Guitar Convention and member of the Pedal Steel Guitar Hall of Fame, this course teaches E9 tuning, Nashville set-up pedal steel with three floor and three knee levers. If you want to learn pedal steel, this book will show you how. The accompanying CD is in split-track format, allowing the student to play with the rhythm accompaniment, the pedal-steel solo parts, or both. A Note to Teachers. The Pedal Steel Guitar. Setting Up The Pedal Steel. Steel Guitar Equipment. Right and Left Hand Positions. E Ninth Chromatic Pedal Tuning Chart. Tuning the Pedal Steel Guitar. The Rudiments of Music. Gliss or Slides. Tablature Instructions. Goodnight Ladies. Red River Valley. Playing the Intro. Mary's Waltz. The Vibrato. Notes C, D, E. Exercises. Sidewalks Of Nashville. Notes F, G, A. Banks Of The Ohio. Sandy Ann. Mexican Dance. Notes B, C, D, and E - Precious Memories. Wildwood Flower. Notes B, A, and G - The Tie. Careless Love. Bile Dem Cabbage Down. Grandfather's Clock. Wreck Of The Old 97. Two Notes - Clock Wise. Harmony in Sixth. Swedish Waltz - Thirds and Sixths. I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes. Volume Pedal. Three String Waltz. Waltzing With Brenda. Alternate Picking. Careless Love - In Harmony. Sharps, Flats,. natural sign. Stealin' The Sharps. Exercise With Sharps. Stealin' The Flats. The Natural. Chromatics. Precious Memories In Harmony. Lovely Maori Girl. The Eighth Note - Bile Dem Cabbage Down. Speed Picking Exercise. Little Brown Jug. Major Scale. Joy To The World. C Scale Harmonized. Scale Exercises. Three Principle Chords. Major Chords. Chord Harmony. Two Position Tune. C, F, G, Chords. Chord Theory. On Top of Old Smokey. Sweet Hour of Prayer. The E Knee Lever. The Three Principal Chords. V7 to I Chord. The Slur. There Is a Tavern in the Town. Country Style Steel. More E Knee Lever. B 6th Tuning. More About B 6th Tuning. C Sixth Tuning. Byrds. Key of A Minor. Studies in A Minor. Relative Minor Chord. A Minor Accident - Up from the Minors. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus. Use Of The Third Pedal. B and C Pedal Exercise. B and C Progressions. Hawaiian Shores. Can I Sleep In Your Barn Tonight, Mister. KEY OF G. Scottish Waltz With Chords. She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain. A Denmark Aloha. Review. E Minor Chords. Greensleeves. Scarborough Fair. Key of F. F Scale in Thirds and Sixths. Triplet Note. Amazing Grace. D Knee Lever. F Knee Lever. Theory. My Wild Irish Rose. C Major, C Minor, C Diminished Positions. Three Finger Roll. Just An Old Fashioned Song. Where Do I Go From Here. Like Paradise. When You And I Were Young. KEY OF D. D Scale Harmonized - Nashville Waltz. Three Principal Chords in Key Of D. More D-G-A7 Locations. I'll Be All Smiles Tonight. Marine's Hymn. Harmonics. Palm Harmonics. Finger Harmonics - Knuckle Harmonics. How to Write Harmonics. Old Black Joe. Responsive Hallelujah. Holy, Holy, Holy. Aloha Oe. Wild Mountain Thyme. Four Roses. Aura Lee. Key of A. Three Principal Chords in A. Wabash Cannonball. Bringing In The Sheaves. BeeCee Swing. The Augmented Chord. Augmented Progression. Modulation. Substitute Chords. More Examples. When The Saints Go Marching In. More About Chords. Shenandoah. House Of The Rising Sun. Bossa Nova. B Bonnie Bop. Fast Picking. Triplet and 8th Note Exercise - A Tricky Intro. Key Signatures. Major Scales. The Tetrachord. Intervals. Chord Construction. Neck Tuning Charts. Chords In One Position. Chord Spelling Chart. The Number System Explained.


Deluxe pedala Steel gitara Metoda se sastoji od DeWitt Scotta. Za gitaru. Pedala Čelik. Žica obvezne, Metode. Zemlja. Više razina. Knjiga. CD Set. 200 stranica. Objavljeno Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.93849BCD. ISBN 9780786665266. Zemlja. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. To je stjegonoša za pedale čelika nastave knjiga. To je vrlo sveobuhvatan u okviru. Napisao DeWitt Scott, osnivač Međunarodnog papučice Steel gitara konvencije i člana papučicu Steel gitara Hall of Fame, ovaj tečaj uči E9 tuning, set-up Nashville pedala čelika sa tri kata i tri koljena poluge. Ako želite saznati pedala čelika, ova knjiga će vam pokazati kako. Prateći CD u Splitsko-track formatu, čime student igrati uz pratnju ritam, solo dijelovi pedala-čelik, ili oboje. Napomena za nastavnike. Pedala Steel gitara. Postavljanje papučicu Čelik. Steel gitara oprema. Desne i lijeve ruke Pozicije. E Deveti kromatska Pedala Tuning grafikona. Tuning papučicu Stahl gitara. Osnove glazbe. Gliss ili Tobogani. Tablature Upute. Laku noć dame. Red River Valley. Igranje Intro. Marijin Waltz. Vibrato. Napomene C, D, E. Vježbe. Pločnici Nashvilleu. Bilješke F, G,. Obalama Ohio. Sandy Ann. Meksički Dance. Bilješke B, C, D i E - dragocjene uspomene. Wildwood Flower. Bilješke B, A, G i - Tie. Nesavjesni Ljubav. Bile Dem Kupus Down. Djed je sat. Wreck Of The Old 97.. Dvije napomene - Clock Wise. Harmony u Šestoj. Švedski Waltz - Thirds i sekstama. Razmišljam večeras od mojih Blue Eyes. Volumen pedala. Tri Gudački Waltz. Waltzing S Brende. Alternativna Branje. Nesavjesni Ljubav - u harmoniji. Oštri predmeti, Stanovi,. prirodni znak. Stealin 'The Sharps. Vježba s sharps. Stealin 'The Stanovi. Prirodni. Kromatika. Dragocjene uspomene u harmoniji. Lovely Maori Girl. Osmi Note - Bile Dem Kupus Down. Brzina Branje Vježba. Little Brown Jug. Major Scale. Joy To The World. C Scale Harmonizirani. Scale Vježbe. Tri Načelo Chords. Glavni Chords. Akord Harmony. Dvije Pozicija Tune. C, F, G, Chords. Akord teorija. Na Vrh Old Smokey. Sweet Sat molitve. E koljeno Ručica. Tri su osnovne akorde. V7 da sam akord. Legata. Tu je konoba u gradu. Država Style Čelik. Više E koljeno Ručica. B 6. Tuning. Više o B 6. Tuning. C Šesti Tuning. Byrds. Ključ A Minor. Studije u A-molu. Relativna Minor Akord. Manje nesreća - Gore od maloljetnika. Ispod Isusov križ. Koristite trećeg papučice. B i C Pedala Vježba. B i C progresije. Havajski Shores. Mogu li spavati u svom Barn Tonight, Mister. KLJUČ G. Škotski Valcer s Chords. Doći će oko planine. Danska Aloha. Pregled. E Minor Akordi. Greensleeves. Scarborough Fair. Ključ F. F Skala u Thirds i sekstama. Trojka Note. Amazing Grace. D koljeno Ručica. F koljena Ručica. Teorija. Moj Wild Irish Rose. C-duru, C Minor, C Smanjena Pozicije. Tri prsta Roll. Samo starinski Tekstovi. Gdje ću otići odavde. Kao raj. Kad ti i ja bili mladi. KLJUČ D. D Scale Harmonizirani - Nashville Waltz. Tri su osnovne akorde u D. Više D-G-A7 Lokacije. Ja ću biti sve Smiješi Večeras. Marine Himna. Sekundarne frekvencije. Palm harmonici. Prst harmonici - Knuckle harmonici. Kako napisati harmonike. Old Black Joe. Uzvratni Hallelujah. Sveti, Sveti, Sveti. Aloha Oe. Wild Mountain Timijan. Četiri Roses. Aura Lee. Ključ A. Tri su osnovne akorada. Wabash Cannonball. Dovođenje u snopova. BeeCee Swing. Prošireni Akord. Povećani Progression. Modulacija. Zamjenska Chords. Više Primjeri. Kad Saints Go Marching In. Više o Chords. Shenandoah. House Of The Rising Sun. Bossa Nova. B Bonnie Bop. Brzo branje. Trojka i 8. Napomena Vježba - Tricky Intro. Ključne Potpisi. Glavni Vage. Tetrakord. Intervali. Akord graditeljstva. Vrat Tuning Charts. Akorda u jednom položaju. Akord Pravopis grafikona. Broj Sustav objasnio.