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Fingerpicking Beatles. The Beatles. Electric Guitar sheet music. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.
Fingerpicking Beatlesi. The Beatles. Električna gitara note. Fingerpicking gitara note. Guitar Tablature note. Srednji.
Fingerpicking Beatles. 30 Songs Arranged for Solo Guitar in Standard Notation & Tablature. By The Beatles. For Guitar. Finger Style Guitar. Classic Rock, Britpop and Psychedelic Rock. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard guitar notation, performance notes, instructional text and instructional photos. 63 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.699049. ISBN 0793570514. With guitar tablature, standard guitar notation, performance notes, instructional text and instructional photos. Classic Rock, Britpop and Psychedelic Rock. 9x12 inches. The arrangements in this book are carefully written for intermediate-level guitarists. Each solo combines melody and harmony in one superb fingerpicking arrangement. The book also includes an easy introduction to basic fingerstyle guitar. 30 songs, including Across the Universe, Can't Buy Me Love, Something and more. A Day In The Life. Across The Universe. All You Need Is Love. And I Love Her. Blackbird. Can't Buy Me Love. Dear Prudence. Eleanor Rigby. Free As A Bird. Here, There And Everywhere. Hey Jude. In My Life. Lady Madonna. Let It Be. Love Me Do. Michelle. Norwegian Wood. This Bird Has Flown. Nowhere Man. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. Octopus's Garden. Penny Lane. Please Please Me. Something. The Long And Winding Road. Ticket To Ride. We Can Work It Out. When I'm Sixty-Four. Yellow Submarine. Yesterday. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away.
Fingerpicking Beatlesi. 30 Pjesme uređen za solo gitaru u Standardu notacija. By The Beatlesa. Za gitaru. Prsta stil gitara. Classic Rock, Britpop i Psychedelic Rock. Teškoća. medium. Guitar tablature pjesmarica. Guitar tablature, standardni gitara oznake, bilješke performansi, nastavni tekst i nastavni fotografije. 63 stranice. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.699049. ISBN 0793570514. Uz gitaru tablature, gitarističke zapisa, bilješke performansi, nastavni tekst i nastavni fotografije. Classic Rock, Britpop i Psychedelic Rock. 9x12 inča. Dogovori u ovoj knjizi su pažljivo napisan za srednje razine gitarista. Svaki solo kombinira melodiju i harmoniju u jednom izvrsnom fingerpicking dogovoru. Knjiga također uključuje jednostavan uvod u osnovne fingerstyle gitare. 30 pjesama, uključujući i Across the Universe, mi ne može kupiti ljubav, nešto i više. Dan u životu. Preko svemira. Sve što trebate je ljubav. I ja je volim. Crni kos. Ne možeš me kupiti ljubav. Dear Prudence. Eleanor Rigby. Slobodan kao ptica. Evo, ondje i svugdje. Hey Jude. U mom životu. Lady Madonna. Let It Be. Love Me Do. Michelle. Norwegian Wood. Ova ptica je letio. Nigdje čovjek. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. Hobotnica je vrt. Penny Lane. Please Please Me. Nešto. Long And Winding Road. Ticket To Ride. Možemo to riješiti. Kad sam šezdeset četiri. Yellow Submarine. Jučer. Moraš Hide Your Love Away.