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Kitsune. Fox Tales. Double Bass sheet music.


Kitsune. Fox Tales. Kontrabas note.


Kitsune. Fox Tales. composed by Daniel Baldwin. For string bass. solo. or string bass & piano. Score and part. Published by Imagine Music - Digital. IZ.IMW141. Kitsune. Fox Tales. was written in 2005 at the suggestion of P. Kellach Waddle, a bassist in the Austin Symphony. He wanted an unaccompanied piece to do on his frequent performance tours. Like a few of my pieces, once this was completed, I set it aside and forgot about it. In the summer of 2008, I was at the double reed convention at Brigham Young University and ran into bass professor, H. Eric Hansen, in the hall. We had a very nice conversation and he showed a great deal of interest in helping me to revise this piece and give it a performance. Over the next several months, we chatted back and forth and came up with a nice revised edition of the solo version. which he performed on a tour of Japan in the spring of 2009. At his request, I created an accompaniment line based on some ideas he had after working on the solo. This piece is interchangeable. The solo part works as an unaccompanied piece, but also is the solo part for the version with accompaniment. I believe that makes this piece quite useful for a recital performer. I have always been fascinated with Asian mythology and, because of this, I use it as a basis for all of my unaccompanied pieces. The Kitsune are Japanese folklore and myths that are in the form of interesting short stories. The first movement, The Fox in the Brothel, is a Japanese story of virtue and honesty. King of the Nine Mountains is a Chinese story of betrayal and subtle revenge. The final movement, On Fox Spirits, is an informative narrative on fox spirits. I have chosen the passage about women and have based the final movement on this. My most profound thanks to my friend, H. Eric Hansen, who was instrumental in bringing this revised edition to you. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.


Kitsune. Fox Tales. sastavljeno Daniel Baldwin. Za string bass. samo. ili string bass. Rezultat i dio. Objavio Zamislite glazbe - Digital. IZ.IMW141. Kitsune. Fox Tales. napisana je 2005 na prijedlog P. Kellach gegati, basist u Austin simfonije. Želio pratnje komad učiniti na svojim česte izvedbe ture. Kao i nekoliko mojih djela, kada se to završi, postavljen sam u stranu i zaboravila na njega. U ljeto 2008, bio sam na dvostruki jezičac konvenciji u Brigham Young University i naletio na bas profesora, H. Eric Hansen, u dvorani. Imali smo vrlo ugodan razgovor, a on je pokazao veliki interes u pomaganju mi ​​revidirati ovaj komad i dati mu performanse. Tijekom sljedećih nekoliko mjeseci, pričali smo natrag i naprijed i došao s lijepim izmijenjenom izdanju solo verziji. koja je izvedena na turneju po Japanu u proljeće 2009. Na njegov zahtjev, stvorio sam pratnju liniju na temelju neke ideje koje je imao nakon što je radio na solo. Ovaj komad je zamjenjivati. Solo dio radi kao komad bez pratnje, ali je solo dio za verziju s pratnjom. Vjerujem da je ovaj komad čini vrlo korisno za recital izvođača. Uvijek sam bio fasciniran s azijske mitologije i, zbog toga, ja ga koristiti kao osnova za sve moje pratnje komada. Kitsune su japanski folklor i mitovi koji su u obliku zanimljivih kratkih priča. Prvi stavak, Fox u bordelu, je japanska priča o kreposti i poštenja. Kralj devet planina je Kineska priča o izdaji i suptilne osvete. Konačna pokret, na Fox Duhova, je informativan narativni na Fox duhova. Ja sam izabrao prolaz o ženama i su temelji konačni pokret na ovo. Moje najdublje zahvaljujući mom prijatelju, H. Eric Hansen, koji je sudjelovao u dovođenju ovo dopunjeno izdanje za vas. Digital Print je ispis glazbeni dostupan list bilo kada, bilo gdje. Samo za kupnju, ispis i igrati. Pregled online note kod kuće, u školi, na poslu ili bilo gdje imate računalo spojeno na Internet. Koristite našu ipad app za pregledavanje digitalne list glazbe u pokretu. Uz Digital Print, možete ispisati svoje digitalne note odmah nakon kupnje, ili čekati do njegova povoljno. I naš instalacija softvera je jednostavno - mi ćemo vas kroz jednostavne korake kako bi bili sigurni da imate instaliran Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR i notnih Plus AIR aplikacija.