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Dear Santa - Soundtrax CD. CD only. Sally K. Albrecht. Choir sheet music.


Dragi Djed - Soundtrax CD. Samo CD. Sally K. Albrechta. Zbor note.


Dear Santa - Soundtrax CD. CD only. composed by Sally K. Albrecht and Jay Althouse. Choir Secular. This edition. SoundTrax CD. Choral Octavo. Choral Designs. Christmas. Secular. Winter. CD only - No Sheet Music included. Published by Alfred Music. AP.27349. Dear Santa, I want to thank you for all the gifts you've brought so far. It's a thank you letter to Santa from a child, written especially for children's choirs. Very easy, and suitable for even your youngest groups. There are optional solos and small group sections, or sing it with your entire choir throughout. Performance. Accompaniment CD only - No Sheet Music included. The Alfred Choral Designs Series provides student and adult choirs with a variety of secular choral music that is useful, practical, educationally appropriate, and a pleasure to sing. To that end, the Choral Designs series features original works, folk song settings, spiritual arrangements, choral masterworks, and holiday selections suitable for use in concerts, festivals, and contests.


Dragi Djed - Soundtrax CD. Samo CD. skladao Sally K. Albrechta i Jay Althouse. Zbor svjetovni. Ovo izdanje. SoundTrax CD. Pjevačkog Octavo. Pjevački dizajni. Božić. Svjetovan. Zima. Samo CD - Ne Sheet Music uključene. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.27349. Dear Santa, I want to thank you for all the gifts you've brought so far. It's a thank you letter to Santa from a child, written especially for children's choirs. Vrlo jednostavno, i pogodno za čak svojim najmlađim skupinama. Postoji izborni solo i malih sekcije grupe, ili pjevaju ga cijeli zbor tijekom. Performanse. Pratnja samo CD - Ne Sheet Music uključene. Alfred pjevačkog Designs serija pruža studentskih zborova i odrasle s različitim sekularne zborske glazbe koja je korisna, praktična, obrazovno potrebi, i zadovoljstvo pjevati. U tom smislu, zborske Designs Serija ima originalne radove, postavke folk pjesme, duhovne aranžmane, zborne majstorije i odmor odabire prikladne za korištenje u koncertima, festivalima i natjecanjima.