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Piano Adventures Primer Level - Lesson Book CD. Nancy Faber. Piano Method sheet music. Beginning.


Klavir Avanture Primer Level - Lekcija Book CD. Nancy Faber. Klavir Metoda note. Početak.


Piano Adventures Primer Level - Lesson Book CD composed by Nancy Faber and Randall Faber. Arranged by David Andruss. For Piano. Keyboard. Faber Piano AdventuresÂ. Primer. CD only. Faber Piano Adventures #CD1001. Published by Faber Piano Adventures. HL.420068. ISBN 1458426920. 6x9 inches. Orchestrations by David Andruss. This compact disc contains orchestrated background accompaniments for the pieces in the 2nd Edition Primer Level Lesson Book. Teachers and students will be delighted by newly orchestrated background accompaniments, improvisation opportunities, and the variety of musical textures. Each selection in the book is played twice. first at a slow practice tempo and then at performance tempo. The piano part is included in the slow track. For the performance track, the piano part is omitted or is in the background, allowing the student to be the featured performer. Songs include. The Old Clock. I Hear the Echo. The Escalator. Men from Mars. Sea Story. Best Friends. Mister Bluebird. The Dance Band. Frogs on Logs. Copy Cat. Bells of Great Britain and more. The Enhanced CD also includes standard MIDI files that can be accessed with a computer. When used with your software, keyboard, or synthesizer, the MIDI files allow you to adjust tempos, isolate track playbacks, and transpose to different keys. Special bonus. Piano Adventures has set a new standard for a new century of piano teaching. It is fast becoming the method of choice at leading university pedagogy programs and major teaching studios around the world. But more importantly, Piano Adventures is bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of piano students. It can do the same for your students. All My Friends. Allegro. Alouette. Balloons. Bells of Great Britain. Best Friends. The Bugle Boys. C-D-E-F-G March. C Position Warm-Up. C Song. Come See the Parade. Copy Cat. The Dance Band. Elephant Ride. The Escalator. Frogs on Logs. Gorilla in the Tree. Grandmother. Hey, Hey, Look at Me. Hey, Mr. Half Note Dot. Honking Cars. I Hear the Echo. The I Like Song. Into the Cave. Lemonade Stand. Let's Play Ball. March on D-E-F. Men from Mars. Merrily We Roll Along. Middle C March. Mister Bluebird. My Invention. Ode to Joy. The Old Clock. Old MacDonald Had a Song. Once There Was a Princess. Our Team. Partners at C. Petite Minuet. Rodeo. Russian Sailor Dance. A Ten-Second Song. Three Little Kittens. Two Black Ants. Two Blackbirds. Two Questions. The Walking Song. Yankee Doodle.


Piano avanture Primer Level - Lekcija Knjiga CD skladao Nancy Faber i Randall Faber. Uređeni David Andruss. Za Piano. Tipkovnica. Faber Piano AdventuresÂ. Fitilj. Samo CD. Приключения фортепиано Faber. Objavio Faber Piano avanture. HL.420068. ISBN 1458426920. 6x9 inča. Orkestracije Davida Andruss. Ovaj kompaktni disk sadrži orkestriraju pozadini pratnja za komada u 2. izdanje Primer razini Lekcija knjizi. Nastavnici i učenici će biti oduševljeni novim usaglašenih pozadini pratnja, improvizacija mogućnosti, i raznih glazbenih tekstura. Svaki odabir u knjizi je igrao dva puta. Prvi na sporim tempom praksi, a zatim na performansama tempu. Klavir je uključen u spor stazi. Za obavljanje stazi, klavir je izostavljen ili je u pozadini, čime student biti oglašen izvođač. Pjesme su. Stari sat. I čuti odjek. Escalator. Muškarci s Marsa. More Story. Najbolji Prijatelji. Mister Bluebird. Dance Band. Žabe o zapisnicima. Kopiraj Mačka. Zvona Velike Britanije i više. Poboljšana CD također uključuje standardne MIDI datoteke koje se može pristupiti s računala. Kada se koristi s vaše softvera, tipkovnice ili sintisajzer, MIDI datoteke omogućuju vam da prilagodite tempo, izolirati pratiti reprodukcija, i preuzeti na različitim ključevima. Poseban bonus. Klavir Adventures je postavio novi standard za novog stoljeća klavirske nastave. To je brzo postaje metoda izbora kod vodećih sveučilišnih pedagogije programa i glavnih nastavnih studija diljem svijeta. No, što je još važnije, Piano Adventures donosi osmjehe na licima tisuća studenata klavira. To možete učiniti isto za svoje učenike. Svi moji prijatelji. Allegro. Ševa. Baloni. Zvona Velike Britanije. Najbolji Prijatelji. U truba Boys. C-D-E-F-G ožujka. C Pozicija Warm-Up. C Tekstovi. Dođite vidjeti parade. Kopiraj Mačka. Dance Band. Slon Ride. Escalator. Žabe o zapisnicima. Gorila u Tree. Baka. Hej, Hej, pogledaj me. Hej, gospodine Pola Napomena Dot. Sirena automobila. I čuti odjek. Sviđa mi se Tekstovi. U špilji. Lemonade Stand. Igrajmo. Ožujak na D-E-F. Muškarci s Marsa. Veselo smo Roll Zajedno. Srednji C ožujka. Mister Bluebird. Moj izum. Oda radosti. Stari sat. Old MacDonald Had pjesmu. Bio jednom Princess. Naš tim. Partneri u C. Petite Menuet. Rodeo. Ruski Sailor Dance. Deset-Druga pjesma. Three Little Mačići. Dva Crna Mravi. Dva Blackbirds. Dva pitanja. Hodanje Pjesma. Yankee Doodle.
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