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Neil Young - Greatest Hits. Neil Young. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Neil Young - Greatest Hits. Neil Young. Klavir, Vocal, Guitar note. Glas note. Gitara note.


Neil Young - Greatest Hits by Neil Young. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Artist Songbook. Softcover. 88 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.306887. ISBN 1423429567. 9x12 inches. Never content to rest on his laurels, iconic singer. songwriter Neil Young has constantly and successfully reinvented himself, always producing true and sincere music. This incredible collection assembles 16 hits he penned from 1969 to 1991, which are now classic anthems. After the Gold Rush. Cinnamon Girl. Cowgirl in the Sand. Down by the River. Harvest Moon. Heart of Gold. Helpless. Like a Hurricane. Ohio. Old Man. Only Love Can Break Your Heart. Rockin' in the Free World. Southern Man. and more. The book also features full-color drawings and collages throughout. A must for every Neil Young fan. Harvest Moon. After the Gold Rush. Down By The River. Helpless. Only Love Can Break Your Heart. Heart Of Gold. Ohio. Southern Man. Hey Hey, My My. Into the Black. Cinnamon Girl. Comes A Time. Rockin' In The Free World. The Needle And The Damage Done. Old Man. Cowgirl in the Sand. Like A Hurricane.


Neil Young - Greatest Hits Neil Young. Za Piano. Vokalni. Gitara. Plan. Vokalni. Gitara Artist pjesmarice. Softcover. 88 stranice. Objavljeno Hal Leonard. HL.306887. ISBN 1423429567. 9x12 inča. Nikad sadržaj na počinak na svojim lovorikama, kultni pjevač. kantautor Neil Young stalno i uspješno se iznova, uvijek proizvodnju pravu i iskrenu glazbu. Ova nevjerojatna zbirka okuplja 16 pogodaka Napisao 1969-1991, koji su sada klasični himne. Nakon zlatne groznice. Cimet Girl. Cowgirl in the Sand. Uz rijeku. Harvest Moon. Heart of Gold. Bespomoćan. Poput uragana. Ohio. Starac. Samo ljubav može Break Your Heart. Rockin 'u slobodnom svijetu. Southern Man. i još mnogo toga. Knjiga također sadrži boji crteže i kolaže cijeloj. Mora za svakog Neil Young ventilatorom. Harvest Moon. Nakon zlatne groznice. Uz rijeku. Bespomoćan. Samo ljubav može Break Your Heart. Heart Of Gold. Ohio. Southern Man. Hey Hey, My My. U crna. Cimet Girl. Dolazi vrijeme. Rockin 'u slobodnom svijetu. Igla i štetu koja je učinjena. Starac. Cowgirl in the Sand. Poput uragana.