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The Rolling Stones -- Best of the ABKCO Years. The Rolling Stones. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.
The Rolling Stones - Najbolje od ABKCO godina. The Rolling Stones. Električna gitara note. Guitar Tablature note.
The Rolling Stones -- Best of the ABKCO Years. Authentic Guitar TAB. By The Rolling Stones. For Guitar. This edition. Authentic Guitar TAB. Artist. Personality. Authentic Guitar TAB. Book. Guitar Personality. Guitar TAB. Rock. 312 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.40845. ISBN 073909517X. Rock. This 50th anniversary collectible hardcover edition contains full guitar TAB transcriptions for 50 early Stones classics from their ABKCO years. These are all-new arrangements featuring the most accurate transcriptions for all of Keith Richard's, Brian Jones', and Mick Taylor's legendary guitar parts. The book also comes with a section of the most classic Keith riffs. The songs within are selected from 12 x 5, Aftermath, Beggars Banquet, Between the Buttons, Big Hits. High Tide and Green Grass. , December's Children. and Everybody's. , Flowers, Hot Rocks 1964--1971, Let It Bleed, Metamorphosis, Sticky Fingers, Their Satanic Majesties Request, and more. Titles. 19th Nervous Breakdown. 2000 Light Years from Home. As Tears Go By. Back Street Girl. Bitch. Brown Sugar. Can't You Hear Me Knocking. Child of the Moon. rmk. Country Honk. Dandelion. Dead Flowers. Dear Doctor. Factory Girl. Get Off of My Cloud. Gimme Shelter. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow. Heart of Stone. Honky Tonk Women. I'm Free. It's All Over Now. Jigsaw Puzzle. Jumpin' Jack Flash. Lady Jane. The Last Time. Let It Bleed. Let's Spend the Night Together. Live with Me. Memo from Turner. Midnight Rambler. Monkey Man. Mother's Little Helper. No Expectations. Out of Time. Paint It, Black. Parachute Woman. Play with Fire. Ruby Tuesday. Salt of the Earth. I Can't Get No. Satisfaction. She's a Rainbow. The Spider and the Fly. Stray Cat Blues. Street Fighting Man. Stupid Girl. Sway. Sympathy for the Devil. Under My Thumb. Wild Horses. You Can't Always Get What You Want. You Got the Silver.
The Rolling Stones - Najbolje od ABKCO godina. Autentična Guitar Tab. By The Rolling Stonesa. Za gitaru. Ovo izdanje. Autentična Guitar Tab. Umjetnik. Ličnost. Autentična Guitar Tab. Knjiga. Gitara Osobnost. Guitar Tab. Stijena. 312 stranice. Objavljeno Alfred Music. AP.40845. ISBN 073909517X. Rock. Ovaj 50-ta godišnjica naplativa Tvrdi izdanje sadrži punu Guitar Tab transkripcije za 50 ranih Stonesa klasike iz njihove ABKCO godina. To su sve novi aranžmani featuring najtočnije prijepisa za sve Keitha Richardsa, Brian Jones ', a Mick Taylor legendarnih gitara dijelovi. Knjiga također dolazi s dionicom od najvažnijih klasičnih Keith rifovima. Pjesme unutar izabrani od 12 x 5, Aftermath, Beggars Banquet, između tipki, veliki hitovi. High Tide and Green Grass. , Prosinac je djecu. i svi su. , Cvijeće, Hot Rocks 1964 - 1971, Let It Bleed, Metamorphosis, Sticky Fingers, Njihova Sotonski Majesties Zahtjev, i još mnogo toga. Naslovi. 19. živčani slom. 2000 svjetlosnih godina od kuće. Kao Tears Go By. Back Street Girl. Kuja. Brown Sugar. Ne mogu te čuti Me Knocking. Dijete Mjeseca. RMK. Država Gakati. Maslačak. Dead Flowers. Dear Doctor. Factory Girl. Get Off My Cloud. Gimme Shelter. Jeste li vidjeli vašu majku, dijete, stoji u sjeni. Heart of Stone. Honky Tonk Women. Ja sam slobodan. To je sve gotovo. Jigsaw Puzzle. Jumpin 'Jack Flash. Lady Jane. Last Time. Let It Bleed. Idemo Provedite noć zajedno. Živjeti sa mnom. Dopis iz Turnera. Midnight Rambler. Monkey Man. Majčin Little Helper. Nema očekivanja. Out of Time. Paint It Black. Padobran Woman. Igra s vatrom. Ruby Tuesday. Sol zemlje. Ja ne mogu dobiti ni. Zadovoljstvo. Ona je Rainbow. Spider i Fly. Stray Cat Blues. Street Fighting Man. Stupid Girl. Lelujati. Simpatija za vraga. Under My Thumb. Wild Horses. Ne možeš uvijek dobiti ono što želite. You Got the Silver.